Belarus, Brest region, Kobrin district

Kobrin district

Кобрынскі раён Кобринский район Kobryn Raion

Flag Coat of arms


Country Belarus
Status area
Enters in Brest region
Administrative center Kobrin
Chairman of district executive committee Zozulya, Alexander Ivanovich
Official languages Native language:

Russian 51,18%, Belarusian 43,14%
Houses talk: Russian 79,08%, Belarusian 15,68%

Population (2009) 88 037 persons.
Density 43,16 people/km ²
National structure Belarusians — 87,86%,
the Russian — 6,09%,
Ukrainians — 4,5%,
others — 1,55%
Area 2 039.79 km ²
Time zone UTC+3
Telephone code +375 (1642)
Automobile code 1

Kobrin district is an administrative subdivision, a raion of Brest Region, in Belarus. The regional center — the city of Kobrin. Population of Kobrin district for 01.01.2010 makes 87 950 people. 51 130 people live in the city of Kobrin. In rural areas – 36 820 people. Men – 41 285, women – 46 665. Average density – 43 persons on 1 km ². 63 religious communities of eight religious faiths, among them 34 Orthodox Christians, 2 Catholic, 23 Protestant, 1 Judaic work in Kobrin district. Belarusians make 85.3%, Russian – 8.1%, Ukrainians – 6.3%. The share of persons more young than working-age makes 18.8%, in able-bodied – 59.2%, is more senior – 22%. 32.5 thousand people are engaged in economy (on average in a year 2008).

Administrative device
Near the 162nd settlement, 11 Village Councils which are a part: Batchinsky Village Council, Bukhovichsky Village Council, Gorodetsky Village Council, Divinsky Village Council, Zalessky Village Council, Kiselevetsky Village Council, Novosyolkovsky Village Council, Ostromichsky Village Council, Povityevsky Village Council, Tevelsky Village Council, Hidrinsky Village Council.

Geography and climate
Kobrin district is located in southwest part of the Brest region. The area – 2 013 km ² or 6.6% of all territory of the area. Extent from the South on the North – 61 km, from the West on the East – 51 km. It is created on January 15, 1940. In modern borders since December 25, 1962. The main town – Kobrin: geographical coordinates - 52˚19’ NL, 24˚21 EL; distance from the equator – 5790 km, from a zero meridian – 1837 km, the time zone – II. The city of Kobrin there is on the river Mukhavets (at its merge to the Dnieper and Bugsky channel) in 46 km to the east from Brest. The area borders on the Volynsk area of Ukraine, and also on Beryozovsky, Drogichinsky, Zhabinkovsky, Kamenetsky, Maloritsky and Pruzhansky districts of the Brest region.

In general the flat territory of the area distinctly is divided into northern and southern relief zones. The northern part is located in the Prepolesia landscape province, southern — Polesia. In the northeast of the area there is a vskholmlenny plain which is the most raised part of the territory. The highest point is the hill 169 meters high above sea level in 2 km to the North from the village of Tevli, the lowest — 138 meters — urez river waters Mukhavets on border with Zhabinkovsky district.

On the area 18 big and small rivers with a general extent of 298 km, the largest — Mukhavets flow. Also Dnieper and Bugsky channel is navigable. The main source of food of the rivers and channels is an atmospheric precipitation. On all rivers the water protection zones and coastal strips are established. The largest lakes of the area — Lyuban of 183 hectares and Svinoreyka of 47 hectares. In the area there are 315 artesian wells. For bilateral regulation of the water mode on meliorative objects 3 reservoirs are located. The channel Bona called in honor of the queen Bona which construction began in 1540 is the oldest known meliorative object in the Republic.

The territory of the area belongs to the Central, moderate and warm and moderate and damp zone of the Republic. The area is in moderately climatic zone where air masses of midlatitudes most often repeat. Average air temperature in January of-5 ˚C, fluctuates from-14.9 s (1893) to +2.2 s (1983), in July +18.3 s, fluctuates from +14.8 s (1979) to +31.7 s (1994). Absolute at most +36.6 s (13.07.1959), at least-35.5 s (12.01.1950). The warm period lasts 256 days. Duration of the cold period makes 109-110 days. An amount of precipitation in a year – 610 mm, from 379 mm (1971) to 868 mm (1897) . During the ode in the territory of the area the western winds dominate. During the warm period the prevailing winds are northwest, southwest and western. The dry periods are most often observed in May and September. Sunshine duration in a year makes 1820 hours. In 60% cloudy weather is observed. Especially considerable overcast happens during the winter period, during the summer period overcast decreases. During the period from May to August there are on average in a month 2-4 cloudy, 8-18 clear days, in other days the semi-clear condition of the sky is observed. The vegetative period – 203 days. Adverse climatic factors – unstable character of weather in the spring and in the fall, winter, soft with long thaw, often rainy sky, a lack of moisture at the beginning of summer, late spring and early autumn frosts.

The area is rich with some minerals, in particular clay, sapropelyyu, peat, yantaryom and phosphorites. The largest field of clay — Podzemenskoye whose explored reserves make 16 million m3. Stocks of the Velikolessky field of agrochemical raw materials (sapropels) are estimated at 108,8 million m3. Partially in the territory of the area there is the largest field of peat — Kobrinsko-Pruzhansko-Gantsevichskoye which zatorfirovannost of the territory makes 23%.

Atmospheric precipitation

The size and nature of distribution of an atmospheric precipitation are determined by the territory of the Brest region by a number of factors, of which features of circulation of the atmosphere, a land relief, character of the spread surface are main. All-circulating factors define the reduction of rainfall, general across the East European Plain, to the southeast with weakening of influence of the western transfer, however because of the small sizes of Kobrin district influence of this factor is not defining. The great influence is exerted by a land relief.
On an amount of precipitation Kobrin, as well as all Belarus, treats a zone of sufficient moistening. Their loss is generally connected with cyclonic activity. Depending on a type of an atmospheric precipitation year is divided into the cold period (November-March) with prevalence firm (30%) and mixed (35%) rainfall, and the warm period (April-October) mainly with liquid rainfall (96%).

Humidity of air

Humidity of air in Kobrin district is rather big. The great influence on humidity of air is exerted by the atmospheric circulation, the radiation mode spreading a surface, and also water objects and character of vegetation. In the winter humidity of air in Kobrin usually exceeds 80%, averages at the night from 80 to 90%, in the afternoon in the summer – from 55 to 60%. From November to February in Kobrin the majority of days (15-25) happen damp (relative humidity more than 80%). In summer months on average there are for 4–5 damp days, and in a year on average 139 damp days. Dry days when relative humidity of air at about noon does not exceed 30%, in Kobrin in a year on average 8. From them 4 days fall on May, about 2 for April, on the 1st – for August and September. In other months dry days happen time in several years. The maximum annual number of dry days is observed at frequent passings of the anti-cyclones defining warm dry weather.

Climate factors

Solar radiation, circulation of the atmosphere and character of the spreading surface exert impact on formation of climate, from them the greatest role is played by atmospheric circulation. Annual arrival of total solar radiation makes about 4014 MDzh/sq.m. The monthly sizes of total solar radiation are connected with Sun height over the horizon therefore its greatest number receives the Earth's surface in June, and the smallest in December, 46,5% of annual arrival of total solar radiation fall on 3 months of a warm season: May, June, July. And for November, December and January – only 6%.

The radiation balance makes 1740–1800 MDzh/sq.m. The analysis of materials of supervision shows that insignificant increase in radiation balance within the Brest region from the northeast on the southwest is observed. For 2–3 months radiation balance negative, the terrestrial surface loses heat, and cooling of air and the soil is observed. In the rest of the time radiation balance positive.

The second climate factor is a circulation of the atmosphere. For all year the prevailing western streams of air masses bring on the territory of Kobrin district sea moderate air from Atlantic. At other directions of wind continental moderate, tropical or Arctic air masses which play a smaller role in formation of climate of Kobrin district arrive.

In the winter atmospheric pressure maximum, about 1017-1019 a gpa, at this time over the territory of the area there pass series of the western and northwest cyclones which are followed by unstable weather, rainfall, winds. In the summer atmospheric pressure goes down a little and makes 1013–1014 a gp. Alternation of different types of air masses and instability of weather is connected with change of winds of the different directions.

With winds of the western directions sea moderate air which repeats in 50–60% of cases, generally comes in the winter, and brings thaw, increase in humidity of air, fogs and rainfall. Continental moderate air can arrive with winds of east directions and bring dry weather: warm in the summer and cold in the winter. The Arctic air always arrives with norths and brings a cold snap, frosts in the spring and in the fall. Tropical air, is more often than a sea origin, causes warming. Its average repeatability of 20-25%, generally in the summer. Average speed of wind makes 3,5 m/s.

Time of year

One of features of climate of Kobrin district – seasonality. Time of approach of this or that time of year is connected with establishment of concrete average daily temperature which defines seasonal changes in the nature. The beginning of winter conditional date of transition of average daily temperature through 0 °C towards decrease is considered. It occurs approximately on November 26-28, duration of winter in the territory of Kobrin district about 105-106 days. Characteristic feature of winter weather within Kobrin district is instability. The number of days with thaw fluctuates within 50–60 days that is 10-20 days more, than in northern areas of the republic. Height of snow cover considerably changes depending on local conditions and from character of the spreading surface. In separate warm winters steady snow cover in Kobrin district is formed only at the end of January – the beginning of February, the average duration of snow cover less than 60 days, its height to 20 cm, depth of frost penetration in the soil of 50-55 cm.

The spring begins for 10–12 days earlier, than in the north of the republic, and differs in frequent change of cold and warm air masses. Duration of spring makes about 43 days. There is a reorganization of atmospheric processes in the spring, types of air masses often change, cyclonic activity amplifies, unstable weather is observed. Air quickly heats up, especially in the second half of spring. Instability of spring weather is shown in fluctuations of temperature over a wide range from +25 °C to –20 °C. Frosts and a vymokaniye of crops are among the adverse phenomena.

The summer lasts about 160 days. The territory of Kobrin district receives 68% of the annual sum of solar radiation for a summer season, occasionally, when tropical air comes, hot weather is established and daytime temperatures rise to +33,0 … +35,0 °C. In the first half of summer relative humidity of air reaches a minimum. Further its growth in connection with increase in an amount of precipitation is defined. The amount of precipitation during a summer season is very changeable. In 70% average monthly enough. The adverse meteorological phenomena during the summer period are strong winds and hurricanes, heavy rains often are followed by a thunder-storm and a hail. Typical autumn months in Kobrin district is an October and November. Duration of the autumn period is about 50 days. Average daily temperatures +6,0 … +7,5 °C in October, +0,5 … +2,0 °C in November. In any autumn days frosts are possible. The bezmorozny period comes to an end.

There is also a return of summer heat, so-called Indian summer when in the afternoon air temperature rises to +20 °C and above. There is a change of summer type of air circulation on winter in the fall. Cyclonic activity and the western transfer of sea air from Atlantic which brings a lot of moisture amplifies. The quantity layered and layered cumulonimbus clouds increases. The vegetative period comes to an end. The climate of Kobrin district in general promotes successful cultivation and receiving high and steady crops.


The territory of Kobrin district is located in the western part of Polesia Lowland, within the Brest Polesia. It is limited from Pribugskaya's North, from the South – Maloritskoy to plains, and from the East – Zagorodye's plain. The originality of a relief of the area decides by broad development of boggy water and glacial and lake and alluvial plains on various forms of eolovy accumulation and development of karst processes. The surface of the area has very monotonous relief: the prevailing absolute marks of a terrestrial surface change within 140–160 m, relief raschlenyonnost degree insignificant (0,2 km/km).

The most sublime part of the territory – the vskholmlenny plain at the northeast suburb of the area. The highest mark (169,1m) is in 2 km to the north of of Tevli, the lowest mark (138,0 m) – urez waters of river Mukhavets on the western border of the area. A relief Ravninnost with small decreases, the proximity of ground waters and very weak drain led to bogging of the territory. In general the relief of the area promotes use of high-performance equipment for processing of lands.

The modern relief of the area was created under the influence of diverse geological processes of endogenous and exogenous characters. The main relyefoobrazuyushchy factor within the considered territory is activity of glaciers of the Quaternary Period. A freezing – the most important factor of a relyefoobrazovaniye. During the anthropogenous period in the territory of Belarus as a result of a cold snap on Earth glaciers moved five times from the Scandinavian Peninsula and as much time receded when there was a warming. At edge of a glacier regional and final moraines collected, ridges and hills were formed. At repeated approach of glaciers of their adjournment were imposed on previous, changing earlier formed relief. The territory of the Kobrin district located in the southern part of Belarus, glaciers were covered by only three times, but streams of thawed snow of the glaciers which stopped to the north also played an important role in formation of a relief of the area. During thawing of glaciers water streams washed away a moraine and took out clay and sandy particles to the south from thin ridges to the lowered places. Thus, the smoothed water and glacial forms of a relief characteristic of the considered territory were formed.

The main lines of a relief of this territory are defined by activity of the Dnieper glacier and water flows of Sozhsky. The last glacier left the territory of Belarus 10 thousand years ago. Now there is a period mezhlednikovya which is called the Holocene. The relief created during glaciers so far in a varying degree is transformed by erosive activity of temporary and direct water currents, eolovy, gravitational and karst processes. The important part in formation of negative forms of a relief of the area, especially its southern part, is played by karst processes. The largest reservoirs of the area – lakes Lyuban and Svinoreyka have a karst origin. The most sublime sites of watersheds are occupied with massifs of eolovy educations which extend usually lengthways accurately created hollows or lake terraces. The most part of eolovy forms is poorly fixed by vegetation that promotes activization of eolovy activity. Recently technogenic processes which lead to change of a natural relief, creation of a large number of artificial reservoirs, channels, etc. become an important relyefoobrazuyushchy factor. The large-scale drying and meliorative works which are carried out at the end of the last century became the most important anthropogenous factor of formation of a relief in the territory of the area. They became the reason of reduction of the sizes or a total disappearance of small lakes, changes of the hydrological mode and water content of the rivers, changes of ruslovy processes, activization of eolovy activity.

On a relief the area distinctly is divided into two parts: northern and southern. In this direction there is a fast change of landscapes. The northern part of the area located in Kobrin Predpolesya's zone is presented by the Brest water and glacial lowland. Average heights here mainly vary in the range of 145-155 m, decreasing to ureza of the rivers to 135 - 140 m.

In northern part of the lowland in the zatorfovanny bottoms of hollows golotsenovy lake deposits meet. In the southern part poorly expressed river valleys meet cutting depth to 1,5 m and single karst lakes. Eolovy forms are well expressed as ridges and hills with heights to 5 m and up to 200-300 m long. The hydrographic network is presented by boggy inundated valleys of river Mukhavets and its inflows. Valleys of water currents of Kobrin district, originating from zatorfovanny ozyorovidny decreases, represent the pieces of starorechiya extended parallel to the main river with the developed floodplains. Density of a hydrographic network does not exceed 0.2 km/km. The land relief is broken by pits on extraction of peat, some of these sites of a rekultivirovana under ponds and haymakings.

The southern part of the area located in a zone of Polesia is presented by the Verkhnepripyatsky lake and alluvial lowland. It is slightly wavy, almost flat plain. Absolute height of a terrestrial surface changes within 150–160 m here. The relief is generally flat, gains small-gryadovo-hilly character in places of development of sandy accumulation with relative prevysheniye of 5-10 m, density of a partition – 0,2 km/km. One of features of a relief are ancient hollows up to 10 km long, 1-2 km wide, with depth to 5 m. The hydrographic network is formed by small boggy inundated valleys to 10 km, 1-2 km wide, with cutting depth to 5 m, focused from the northeast on the southwest and in the subwidth direction. Karst lakes with an oval hollow are dated for the lowered, often boggy sites of hollows (Lyuban, Svinoreyka). Lakes in the majority flowing, with low boggy coast (with peat splavina or covered with the boggy wood), braids and coastal shaft. On water separate sites eolovy forms are widespread.


1. Peat (35 fields, including Polish, Fir-tree, Big wood, etc. with a total area of 66.3 hectares). Fields are dated for the valley of the river, hollows;
2. Brown coal (fields: districts of the villages of Bystritsa, Lepesa, Lutsevichi, Podberye);
3. Clay (7 fields: Podzemensky, Imeninsky, Peskovsky, Hudlinsky, Big Lepesovskoye, etc.), the general stocks - 26553 m ³;
4. Mineral waters (the field – the neighborhood of the village of Girsk);
5. Sand construction (6 fields: Woman's mountain, Curve mountain, Nestribusha, Tevli II, Turn, Winter roads);
6. Sapropelita (the largest field in the area – Velikolesskoye (stocks – 108.8 mln m ³, the largest power of thickness – 3.4 m));
7. Phosphorites (fields – the neighborhood of the villages of Lelikovo, Divin);
8. Amber (fields – districts of the villages of Katasha, Hidra, bogs the Big Wood).


Woodiness of the territory – 25.9%. The first group of the woods makes 23 547 hectares, the wood covered 20 027 hectares. The total area of green plantings in to Kobrina is 273.5 hectares. The woods – pine, birch, black and alder, oak and fir-tree massifs. Representatives of tree species such as pine, birch, fir-tree, alder, oak, hornbeam, hollow, willow, ash-tree and elm are widespread. In the woods many representatives of fauna, occur among them: hare white hare, elk, boar, badger, squirrel, raccoon dog, beaver, muskrat, swan-shipun, duck dive, black grouse, lark, bullfinch, woodpecker and others.


In the territory of the area unique natural riches, one of them – part of the largest untouched low-lying bog in Europe – "Zvanets" remained (the area - 1508 hectares) where many rare species of plants and animals grow and live, the biggest population of a restless millerbird nests. Under bogs of 7% of the areas of the area. In Kobrin district of a bog low-lying. Vegetation of bogs – a sedge, mosses, a bush. The largest marsh massif – the Big Wood. In the area wildlife areas of local value are created: Klishcha, Melenkovo, Fir-tree. The biological wildlife area "Divin – the Great wood" (the area – 3000 hectares) is located in the territory of Divinsky and Bolotsky forest areas. It is created for preservation of rare species of the plants included in the Red List of Republic of Belarus.

Animals and plants

In the territory of Kobrin district live 34 species of the animals included in the Red List of RB, among which: black stork, zmeeyad, field lun, small and big podorlika, korostel, white blue tit, marsh turtle, etc. From hunting-trade animals the roe, a boar, a fox, a raccoon dog, a hare hare, a marten, a black grouse, a woodcock, a marsh game, etc. are found. And also 18 protected plants, among which: lady's slipper, zubyanka tuberiferous, censer Sarmatian, kasatik Siberian, kokushnik long-horned, water-lily white, mytnik skipetrovidny, etc.


In Kobrin district the following main soils are allocated: cespitose and podsolic sandy, sandy, seldom loamy; cespitose and podsolic bogged up temporary moistening sandy and sandy; cespitose and podsolic and gley and gleevaty sandy and sandy; peaty and peat and gley low-lying type both peat and marsh low-power and srednemoshchny; cespitose; cespitose and carbonate are bogged up, etc.


In Kobrin district there are meadows of the following types: sukhodolny temporary excess moistening (are characterized raznotravno - bean and cereal vegetation); normal sukhodolny (the cereal vegetation prevails; marsh (sedge).

Water supply

On the area 12 small rivers and 12 channels which total length makes about 298 km, and the largest – river Mukhavets flow. On these rivers the water protection zones which area made generally 27 343 hectares and the coastal strips having the area of 1 259 hectares are established. The largest lakes of the area – Lyuban (183 hectares), BAM and Svinoreyka. The total area of lakes made 47 hectares. In the area there are 286 economic and drinking wells, 22 clearing constructions from which 19 – rural. In 2008 6.36 m ³ waters are taken away, dumped in sewage of 4.19 m ³, from them in superficial water objects – 3.32 m ³, on fields of a filtration – 0.87 m ³. Also in the territory 4 reservoirs – "Dnieper and Bugskoye", "Goldfish" in of Povitye, "Orekhovskoye", "Magdalinskoye" are placed.


In the area such enterprises as Kobrin tool plant "Sitomo", Kobrin gas trunkline operation center "Beltransgaz", KUMPP ZHKH "Kobrinskoye of housing and communal services", PRU TP of "Gatche-Osovskoye" treat the main pollutants of atmospheric air. Emissions in atmospheric air made 1.2 tons per year.


The administrative unit with the center in Kobrin was for the first time formed after death of the last princess Kobrin Anna. The principality was transformed to a table manor — Kobrin economy which was owned by relatives (mainly wives) grand dukes Lithuanian. In the administrative plan the economy had the status of a povet as a part of the Podlyashsky voivodeship of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. As a result of reform in 1566 from structure of the Podlyashsky voivodeship the new Beresteysky voivodeship which entered was allocated and Kobrin povt.

After the third section of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Kobrin district was a part of the Russian Empire. In 1796 the Slonimsky province which included also the Kobrin County was formed. Next year the Slonimsky province was combined with Vilenska under the name of the Lithuanian province, but in 1801 was restored as the Grodno province. The area of the Kobrin County made 4 645,3 versts ² with the population in 1894 in 159 209 people.

As a part of the Grodno province the Kobrin County existed till 1921 when on the Riga world departed to the II Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The county was reorganized and as a povet was a part of the Polesia voivodeship with the center in Brest. Kobrin povt had the area of 3 545 km ² with the population in 114 thousand people (on census of 1931).

As a result of the invasion of Red Army on the territory of the II Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth begun on September 17, 1939 the territory of the Kobrin povet was a part of BSSR. On January 15, 1940 Kobrin district as a part of the Brest region was formed by BSSR. On December 25, 1967 administrative reform as a result of which the area found modern borders was carried out.

Kobrin district and the city of Kobrin were united by the decree of the President of Republic of Belarus No. 6 of January 4, 2002 in uniform administrative-territorial unit.

Population and standard of living

According to census of 2009, the population of the area makes 88 037 people, from them 51 166 people live in Kobrin, and the others 36 871 in rural areas.

According to preliminary data for January, 2012, population of the area decreased to 86 601 persons from which 37 207 people are engaged in economy. Representatives more than 50 nationalities and nationalities live in the area, 52 religious communities of eight religious faiths work.

During census of 2009 about 88% of residents of the area called themselves Belarusians, about 6% — Russians and 4,5% — Ukrainians. As the native language slightly more than a half of respondents called Russian, about 43% — Belarusian. According to the same data, houses in Russian about 79% of residents of the area, on Belarusian — about 16% talk.

The birth rate coefficient in 2010 made 12,3 on 1000 people, mortality — 14,8. Level of the registered unemployment for the end of the same year made 1,3% of economically active population; on average about 28 sq.m of total area of housing are the share of each inhabitant (in 2000 — 22,1 sq.m, in 2005 — 25,4 28 sq.m). The nominal added average monthly salary for the same period made 987,1 thousand Belarusian rubles (for January of 2012 — 2 214 thousand).


Are a part of agro-industrial complex of the area: 8 open joint stock companies ("Agro-Kobrinskoye", "Gorodets-Agro", "Dnieper and Bugskoye", "Kiselyovtsa", etc.); 12 agricultural production cooperatives ("Batchi", "Belsky", "Bystritsa", "Pussy-willow", etc.); KSUP "Breeding plant "Druzhba"; public agricultural institution "Kobrin Sortoispytatelny Station"; Orekhovskoye branch Brestvtormet Unitary Enterprise; foreign society of limited liability "Bissologabrielefarm"; the enterprises serving agro-industrial complex; 36 farms.

The total area of agricultural grounds – 96 588 hectares. Arable land – 54 511 hectares. Point of agricultural grounds – 28.8. Arable land point – 30.6. 68.5 thousand hectares are reclaimed. Gross collecting grain and leguminous in 2008 made 100.3 thousand tons, sugar beet – 73.9 thousand tons, potatoes – 11.2 thousand tons, colza – 7.4 thousand tons. Average productivity grain and leguminous in the area at the level of regional indicators – 33.5 c/hectare. Livestock (one thousand heads, 2008): cattle – 57.3 (including cows – 18.1), pigs – 22.6, horses – 0.7, birds – 479.9. An average yield of milk of milk from a cow in the area – 4783 kg a year, the highest – in APO Voskhodyashchaya zarya (8130 kg) and KSUP "Breeding plant "Druzhba" (6631 kg). In APO Dnieper and Bugskoye breed spotty deer, in a farm of the Belarusian-Polish JV MP i Kompaniya (of Kozishche) – ostriches. Kobrin district specializes in production of milk, meat, grain, sugar beet, colza.


19 industrial enterprises work in the area. Among industries are most developed food (JSC Kobrin Butter and Cheese-making Plant, JSC Kobrin Meat-processing Plant, JSC Kobrin Cannery, Branch RUPP "Brestkhlebprom" "Kobrin bakery", RUSPP "Kobrin poultry farm"), easy (JSC Sewing Firm Lona, JSC Kobrin Spinning Weaving Mill Ruchayka), chemical (SOOO "Software Polesia", JSC Kobrin Himik, the Belarusian-German joint venture "Kolor"), metalworking and machine-building (RUPP "Kobrin Tool Plant "Sitomo"", JSC Hydromash, "Kobrinagromash"). In the region about 50 enterprises work with the foreign capital, many goods of the industrial enterprises are exported.

12 agricultural production cooperatives, 9 open joint stock companies, KSUP "Breeding Plant "Druzhba"", Orekhovskoye branch of the state enterprise "Brestvtorchermet", IOOO "Bissologabrielefarm", the public sortoispytatelny institution, 36 farms are a part of agro-industrial complex of the area. The ostrich's farm "PM and the Company" works in the village of Kozishche.

In the sphere of trade is 561 shops, 341 of them work by a self-service method.

Photos of the enterprises (all enterprises)

JSC Hydromash

RUP sewing firm "Lona"

JSC Kobrin WIP



In the area functions 21 large and 93 small industrial enterprises which are located mainly in the city of Kobrin:
production of plastic toys – 40.3%;
food – 36.4%;
mechanical engineering – 15.3%;
easy – 4.9%;
others – 1.1%.

Transport system

Across the territory of the area there pass the railroads Brest-Gomel, Brest-Minsk, the highway Minsk-Brest (M1), the highway Gomel-Kobrin (M10), Minsk-Kobrin (P2), Kobrin-Malorita (M12), and also Pinsky, Kovelsky directions, the Friendship oil pipeline, 3 gas pipelines. Length of the railroads is 74.1 km, highways of 577.3 km, including with a hard coating of 288.1 km. Navigation on the Dnieper and Bugsky channel and the river Mukhavets. Freight and passenger traffic carries out 52 enterprises.

The coat of arms – In a blue background of the French board the image of the baby Jesus Christ in gold clothes, Prechistoy Virgin Mary in clothes of red color over a green tunic, in gold free part of a board just Anna's image in red clothes over a blue tunic. Over their heads – gold nimbuses. A flag – a rectangular panel of blue color with a ratio of the parties 1:2. In the center of the face of a panel – the image of the coat of arms of Kobrin district.

The highways passing through Kobrin district Designations
Brest (Kozlovichi) — border of the Russian Federation (Radish) M1 E  30
Columns — Ivatsevichi — Kobrin P2 E  85
Kobrin — border of Ukraine (Mokrana) M12 E  85
High — Kamenets — Kobrin P102
Zhabinka — Kobrin P104

Culture and sport

In structure of department of culture of Kobrin district executive committee there are 92 objects of culture. From them 37 establishments of club type, 5 schools of arts with eight branches, Palace of culture in Kobrin, the Kobrin military and historical museum of A. V. Suvorov, Park of Suvorov, the Kobrin regional film video network and 47 libraries.

More than 390 sports constructions work in the area. Specialized school of the Olympic reserve for children and young people, school for children and young people on winter sports in Kobrin, a sports complex in the village of Hidra, Yunost stadium, 1 arena, 25 shooting shooting galleries, 59 gyms, 9 swimming pools, 225 sports grounds, 26 football fields, regional sports and improving institution "Atlant", 17 clubs on sports interests, and also a tennis court in the village of Lelikovo. In the area the rowing base with the rowing channel is completed, in Kobrin the ice arena, an aquapark and the ski roller route function.

Photos of vacation spots (all vacation spots)

Palace of culture


Ice arena

Recreation park of A.V. Suvorov

Education and health care

In an education system of Kobrin district works 80 establishments. To educational institutions, providing secondary education the art professional college, professional college of builders and professional lyceum of services industry in Kobrin belong.

The structure of healthcare institutions of the area includes the central regional hospital and its branches – maternity hospital, children's hospital, stomatologic policlinic, station of an emergency medical service. To villages Sand II the children's rehabilitation and improving cent "Kolas" works. During the summer period 3 recreation camps work: "Wave", "Salute", "Pearl".


45 historical and cultural immovable values within the area are entered in the State list of historical and cultural values of Republic of Belarus. Among them: 15 monuments of archeology, 26 monuments of architecture, 3 monuments history, park of Suvorov.

Among the monuments which are on the local account is:
12 monuments of archeology;
9 ancient burials and boulders;
35 monuments of cult construction;
14 estates;
3 monuments history and 1 memorial board devoted to war of 1812;
9 monuments history of times of World War I and Soviet-Polish wars (6 military cemeteries of World War I);
5 monuments history of times of Kobrin district in structure of the II Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth;
93 monuments of the Great Patriotic War;
14 monuments to the famous fellow countrymen and to statesmen. Also near the village of Lyakhchitsa in Knyazhaya Gore's natural boundary there is a grave in which according to the national legend the princess Olga is buried;
botanical nature sanctuary of republican value – the Suvorov oak (near Divin).

Photos of sight of the area (photo reports)

Mikhaylovsky church of of Novoselki

"Suvorov Oak" of the village of Divin

Girsk windmill

Sacred Church of the Intercession of Habovichi

Are partially used:

1. Memory: Gict. - dakum. hronika Kobrynskaga of a rayon. - Mn.: BELTA, 2002. - 624 pages: il.
2. Materials of WikipediaКобринский_район
3. Photos from archive of the website Tourist Kobrin


Village Councils

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