Kobrin district


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Category of protection: 4

International importance:
Under the state protection in the republic it is for the first time taken in 1964. It is brought in 1e and 2e editions of the Red List of Belarus (1981, 1993). Is under protection in the Smolensk Region of Russia and Ukraine.

Evergreen creeping low shrub with the thin taking roots ligneous stalks 1,0-1,5 m long and upright branches 5-10 high (20) cm. Leaves are opposite, small, shirokoyaytsevidny or roundish, leathery, on edge gear, dark green. Flowers white or pale pinkish, with a pleasant smell and a kolokolchaty nimbus, settle down mainly on 2 on the long general ferruterous trimmed tsvetonosa on tops of upright branches. A fruit - almost dry odnosemyanny stone fruit, about 3 mm long.

Scandinavia, Atlantic (England and Scotland), Average (North and mountains) and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia, Far East, Mongolia, Japan, China, North America. The Arktoborealny taiga relic look which is in Belarus on the southern border of an area. Meets sporadic almost across all territory of the republic (excepting the most southern areas), it is the most frequent in Poozerye. More than 25 locations are known. It is for the first time brought at the end of the 19th century for Pinsky district. Later it is found in Baranovichsky, Berezinsky, Beshenkovichsky, Borisovsky, Braslavsky, Volozhinsky, Gluboksky, Gorodoksky, Dzerzhinsk, Dokshitsky, Dyatlovsky, Kamenetsky, Klimovichsky, Korelichsky, Krasnopolsky, Krupsky, Lepelsky, Lioznensky, Logoysky, Minsk, Myadelsky, Nesvizhsky, Novogrudsky, Orshansky, Polotsk, Pruzhansky, Pukhovichsky, Svislochsk, Sennensk, Soligorsk, Stolbtsovsky, Uzdensky, Ushachsky, Chervensky and Shchuchinsky districts. In the last decade it is noted in the Vitebsk, Gluboksky, Rossonsky, Myadelsky and Smolevichsky districts.

Fir-tree, are slightly more rare the pine woods of mossy, cowberry, bilberry and kislichny types; prefers penumbral conditions.

Blossoms at the end of June - July, fructifies in August - September. Entomofil. Reproduction mainly vegetative (rooting of creeping stalks), seed happens extremely seldom. Barokhor, zoochorus.

Number and tendency of its change:
Usually the look meets in a small amount on quite limited squares (to several tens square meters); seldom the area of populations reaches several hundreds of square meters (in the Polotsk district). Some time a look remains on the clarified sites, but quickly disappears at continuous cabins of the wood. Some earlier known locations disappeared (in Smolevichsky and Minsk districts). At the same time the general border of distribution of a look in the republic is promptly removed to the North.

Major factors of threat:
Cabins of the wood of the main use, economic transformation of lands, wildfires, excessive recreational loadings and pasture of cattle.

Protection measures:
Grows in territories of the Berezinsky biospheric reserve, national parks the "Braslau Lakes", "Narochansky" and "Bialowieza Forest", a number of the republican and local wildlife areas located mainly in the north of the republic. Periodic control of a condition of the known populations with prevention in places of growth of negative anthropogenous impacts is necessary (the selective sanitary cabins and cabins of leaving which are carried out to the winter period are allowed). In Belarus of attempts of cultivation of a look it was not undertaken though cultivation, in principle, is expedient as the look is quite decorative.

Originators: Skuratovich A.N.