Memorable places in the area: Girsk


Wooden production construction for a grain grinding with use of wind power. The rotary moment from the pair four wings strengthened on horizontal to a shaft through cogwheels was transferred to a vertical shaft and stones of postav. On a design a mill rod (goat, stolbovy). The high boarded almost square framework in the plan with a 2-skatny roof turned around the central column strengthened on a crosspiece from thick logs - goats. Together with wings all mill with the mechanism which is in it turned by wind on the motionless base.

Historical information. Windmills in Belarus are known from 16 century, are most widespread in 18-20 centuries the Bolotsky mill was is constructed by Grigory Nikolaevich Drozd in the late twenties. From Nikolay Grigoryevich Drozd (son G. N. Drozd's) memoirs:

"I was born in the village of the Bog in which there were several tens yards. Our house stood in the center, and around the village there were many farms. In the district there was no mill anywhere, and my father Grigory Nikolaevich decided to construct a mill on the money earned in America. It was in the late twenties. I do not remember the beginning of construction because I was small, but well I remember how we together with the brother and the sister rejoiced when the father called us to look how wings at a mill turn. We jumped, squealed for pleasure. For us it was miracle.

Already later mother told us as it was difficult to build a mill. The father built it manually. Relatives and neighbors helped with preparation of the wood and construction. Generally built of an oak and a pine. I well remember how in windy days to our mill peasants from different villages with the grain bags loaded on carts went: from Kalyukhov, Rudts, Girsk, Kiselyovtsev. And to us, children, it was interesting to watch how from grain flour turns out. People paid off with grain and flour. In several years many of peasants began to build small mills on farms. About five mills with which construction my father helped were soon constructed. But till today any of them did not remain.

When in the village the collective farm was created, the mill became collective-farm. And after emergence in economy of an electromill wind became ours again. Villagers began to carry grain in collective farm therefore our mill gradually collapsed. I tried to keep it in an order, and in 1992 by means of collective-farm construction crew restored wings. Already and the grain I do not grind in it but only sometimes I start for calm of soul, but there is a strong wish that it stood while I am living as my children do not want to own it".

In 1950 when the collective farm "Red fighter" against the center in der was organized. Bogs, a mill passed into its property. In 1965 in economy the barn was constructed that gives the grounds to assume that at this particular time in collective farm the electric mill appeared. The collective farm did not feel more need for use of a windmill, and it became possession of a family the Thrush again.

In the late nineties mill. Bogs it was recognized as historical and cultural value, and all responsibility for this object was conferred on AFK (agricultural firm collective farm) "Rising" in the person of Nikolay Yakovlevich's Thunder (the security obligation No. 4567 of 07.07.1999). The whole list of requirements to Kiselevetsky village council in the person of the chairman Budko Ivan Ivanovich on safety of a windmill of is provided in the security obligation No. 9258 of 19.03.2004. Bogs.

The resolution of Council of ministers of the Republic of 14.05.2007 No. 578 (The national register of legal acts of Republic of Belarus, 2007, No. 119,5/25167) is given to this object the status of historical and cultural value of the category "3" which under the code 113 G000409 is entered in the State list of historical and cultural values of Republic of Belarus. The Ministry of Culture knew that the owner of historical and cultural value "Windmill" collective farm "Rising" underwent procedure of bankruptcy and ceased to exist. Addressed to the chairman of Kobrin regional executive committee Kenda N. A. the order of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Belarus about need to define the owner of historical and cultural value, to provide signing by the new owner of the security obligation and to bring object to an appropriate sanitary and hygienic state arrived ("About a condition of historical and cultural value", No. 11-02-01/3 from 07.2007 g).

Time is destructive affected a mill: wings decayed and fell, all structure decayed. In the village there was no collective farm therefore there was nobody to restore a windmill. Elena Nikolaevna Kurishko, the granddaughter of the builder of a mill, Nikolay Grigoryevich Drozd's daughter became the owner of a mill. The right of its property for this production building is confirmed with the decision of Kobrin regional executive committee No. 160 of December 20, 2007. Under the contract of purchase and sale of 17.04.2008 the uninhabited one-storeyed building "Windmill" from Kurishko Elena Nikolaevna living in the city of Kobrin on Granichnaya Street, the house 21, carried over to Country (farmer) economy of "Villiya-agro". The mill is sold for two million three hundred thousand Belarusian rubles. Transition of the property right to a capital structure "Windmill" to the legal entity, the resident of Republic of Belarus" is legislatively confirmed to Country (farmer) economy «Villiya-agro with the certificate (certificate) No. 123/843-39 of the state registration made on April 18, 2008.

The head of economy Novick Vasily Vasilyevich for the purpose of preservation of a mill suggested to include it in a complex of the agroestate and to transfer to Girsk. He requested information in Protection department of historical and cultural heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Belarus and received the detailed answer – "About movement of historical and cultural value" of 23.03.2009 No. 11-01-05/184 on No. 30 of 24.02.2009. The architect Ralets Nikolay Vladimirovich in 2008 made the architectural project of a reconstruction of a mill in the territory of the agroestate in the village of Girsk of Kobrin district. On the application on permission of transfer of the building (No. 48 of 21.04.2009) received an affirmative answer (An extract from the minutes Belarusian republican scientific and methodical are glad concerning historical and cultural heritage at the Ministry of Culture of RB No. 153 of 29.04.2009) On the basis of this document the Kobrin regional executive committee in the decision No. 696 of 22.05.2009 allowed transfer of a mill from. Bogs in Girsk also charged to Villiya-agro peasant Farm to develop scientific project documentation on performance of restoration recovery work on this value for the purpose of its reconstruction in new conditions and to provide on coordination in the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Belarus.

The director of Villiya-agro peasant Farm Novick Vasily Vasilyevich undertook restoration of a mill an economic method. In 2010 the old mill was sorted and transported in the natural boundary of "Studink". Now it is almost anew the constructed mill, but millstones and some other significant details are original. It is planned to contain a mill in working order. It will promote not only public awareness of national architecture and involvement of vacationers to the agroestate, but also will very positively affect safety of the structure which is historical and cultural value.

In neighboring settlements still many sow rye and barley on personal plots. Therefore, the centenary mill will be popular not only among tourists, but also among locals. It is remarkable that even young people like to be photographed at weddings, taking seat on "wing".

We visited the well-known mill and made the whole photo report. We investigated a mill not only outside, but also from within and were very satisfied. Below we attach photos of a mill.


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